Aptitude Test Resources
Teens often struggle with the age-old question: What do you want to do when you grow up? This question can be a loaded question! For some, pondering the future is filled with excitement, for others dread! Many teens (and adults) have no idea what they might like to do. How many of us have heard these types of stories?
“I went to college to study engineering because I was good at higher level maths and it seemed to make sense. Once I graduated, I found I was miserable and didn’t want to work in an office most of my days. I wanted to be outside! Now I’m in a job where I can be outside working on the farm and in the greenhouses, I love it!”
“I decided when I was in 7th grade that I wanted to be a pharmacist after I took on a science fair project studying medicinal properties of plants. That became my identity and stuck through finishing my PharmD. I’m not sure that was really what I wanted to do, but I did it because that’s what I committed to at such a young age. If I didn’t have so many student loans, I think I’d really like to own my own craft store!”
Aptitude tests can be very helpful to hone in on a student’s strengths to find career options that are a good fit. These are a few resources that could be helpful, your local Career Center may also be able to help provide these tests. A board member took the Truity.com test herself. The results were spot on!